
One Partner To Extend Your Bandwidth

Trusted by 300+ offices globally to execute a quality food and beverage experience

Streamline your office food and beverage program to provide the ultimate employee experience without the admin headache. Crafty provides reliable service and technology to order premium products, manage inventory, oversee restocks, and pull reports all inside one central platform.  

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1 in 3 People

said meal benefits would entice them to go into the office more often

from Sharebite Survey

28-31% of People

view free drinks and snacks as important to the in-office experience

from Forbes Advisor Study

67% of People

who have free food in the office report as “very” or “extremely” happy at their jobs

from Peapod Study

Let Crafty Take The Wheel

Premium Products

Order premium products that your employees love all inside one platform.

Inventory Management

Reduce out-of-stocks and product waste with automated inventory management tools.

Painless Swaps

We’ll handpick product swaps in advance so you see no disruptions in your service.

Hands-Off Restocks

Our trusted team does the restocks, so you don’t have to.

Easy Reporting

Grab product, consumption, operation, and budget reports quickly.

Time To Simplify

Let’s Chat!
Crafty employee pouring coffee

Crafty Is A Vibe 

Kin + Carta Lands On The Top Workplaces Culture Excellence Award in 2022

Fuel your way to greatness when Crafty’s got your back

""We continue with Crafty because of their ability to extend our bandwidth. Our office experience teams do more than sit at reception, answer phones, and make coffee. They're a huge part of our employee culture and ensure clients, visitors, and staff have everything they need in the office–we see Crafty as an extra set of hands on our team.""

– Miranda Myers, Employee Experience Manager and EVP Americas Lead

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