Humans of Crafty: Meet Angelina Li, Food & Beverage Coordinator based out of Crafty New York

    Fresh out of college in the middle of the pandemic, how does one enter the workforce and avoid sitting behind a desk all day?

    angelina li crafty office food service coordinator

    Say hello to Angelina Li, a born and bred New Yorker from Queens who's always down for a new delicious restaurant, an outdoor activity, and plenty of time at home with her sweet orange cat, Udon. Angelina graduated college during the height of the pandemic. She went to school upstate at Binghamton University, but she wanted to return home to the hustle and bustle of the city for work. 

    So what should a person with a B.A. in history and sociology do? Well, Angelina wasn't sure, but she opted for an opportunity at a small, family-owned department store with a location in Chelsea that specialized in importing Asian goods. 

    She worked in admin and operations, but after about a year, she was looking for a new challenge. She began searching for a gig where she could apply the skills she's learned about supply chains, customer support, and merchandising. She also longed for something that didn't keep her behind a desk all day, giving her freedom and autonomy in her position.

    That's when timing and stars aligned, and Angelina saw a job posting from Crafty.

    What attracted you to Crafty?

    When I first stumbled upon the job posting from Crafty, I hadn't considered corporate food and beverage as a career path. I am a big food person, so I was intrigued when I saw that Crafty was involved in the food space. That piqued my interest, so I applied. 

    My first phone interview was with Talent Acquisition Specialist Josh, and he was so lovely. It felt more like a conversation than a job interview, so I was very much at ease. Then, I spoke to Olivia and Rose, who would be my managers, and we hit it off instantly. Everyone was so friendly, and at that point, I was ready to dive in as a Food & Beverage Coordinator.


    Can you walk us through your role at Crafty?

    As a Food & Beverage Coordinator, I have one Concierge client site where I work five days a week, from 9 am to 5 pm. I manage all the inventory and restock snacks and beverages in the office kitchen. I clean and maintain all the coffee machines, and I assist with breakfast and lunch catering. I maintain the kitchens' status and ensure everything is functioning and looking beautiful.

    I also help other vendors who come on-site and help them get set up. Since I'm on-site daily and familiar with everything, I'm essentially the go-to person for different vendors that come on-site but don't often come enough to know where everything is. I also jump in when staff are looking for something or need help working a coffee machine. Essentially, I'm responsible for managing the aesthetics, function, and streamlining of service in the kitchens.


    Do you interact with Crafty clients on-site much?

    Absolutely! I'm moving around all day and interacting with people in the office. I make sure the office manager on-site is aware of any issues that may arise and work with them to implement  quick solutions. Whenever something is new or changes, I support my client as best as possible. 

    Recently, they started a great composting program, so I've been helping to direct people on how to use it and reminding them what can and cannot be composted. I'm everywhere, interacting with people throughout the day.

    What do you love most about your job?

    I love the freedom and autonomy I have with this job. My day is structured, I have task lists that I am responsible for completing, and there are standards set by the client that I know need to be maintained, but within the structure, I'm free to manage the space and my day in a way that works for me and my client. 

    I also take pride in knowing I'm significantly impacting each employee's day and the client’s overall employee engagement. By doing tasks behind the scenes, ones they don't even realize are happening, I’m able to give them a spectacular in-office experience that leaves them wondering how it all got accomplished. 

    All they know is when they enter one of the office kitchens; it will be clean, beautiful, and well-organized to optimize their experience. I'm also the kind of person who loves things to be organized and efficient. Creating and maintaining that in my client's space is very satisfying.

    What is the most challenging part of your job?

    Honestly, it's fruit. It doesn't travel well—no matter who delivers it and takes the utmost care of it. I have to spend a lot of time finding solutions for bruised fruit in a way that doesn't interrupt the client experience. I think that also speaks to the larger part of the Crafty experience. 

    I work in New York, where Crafty works with a partner to supply products to our clients. Our challenge is to make sure the Crafty client gets the same service no matter where the office is located, so I have to be extra diligent with the delivered product. We have incredible partners here, and they are such an asset to our business. 

    Still, no one delivers the Crafty experience like a person who works directly for Crafty, so I sometimes have to act like a second line of defense when it comes to the fruit. It can be a struggle, but working with our partner on solutions so the problem doesn’t affect the client experience has been a masterclass in problem-solving and teamwork.

    How has your previous experience in past roles helped you in this role?

    I previously worked for Pearl River Mart here in New York. It's a small department store that imports goods from Asia. They have clothing, personal care items, snacks, kitchen wares, etc. I worked as an admin assistant for them and did a good amount of operational work. 

    One of the many things I learned from my time there was about the supply chain. There are tons of things that can be affected by supply chain issues, so you have to be quick on your feet and solution-oriented when it comes to keeping your clients happy. Another challenging but critical lessons you learn when it comes to dealing with supply chain issues is sometimes you can do whatever it takes to come up with a workable solution, but sometimes, things are out of your control. You just have to give into that and let it roll off your back. 

    I also learned how important communication is when it comes to these types of issues. Most people are okay with a substitute or change if you get ahead of it and communicate it properly to your client.

    What kind of office snacks and beverages do you depend on to make it through the workday?

    The first thing that comes to mind is the La Colombe Triple Draft Latte. I need to have one every day, or I'll get a caffeine headache. I also love the Lesser Evil Popcorn. It's so good. There's also Harmless Harvest Coconut Water, which I can drink all day. And finally, I love a classic bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.  


    Let’s get personal! What does a perfect day off look like for you? 

    I would spend the day trying to do something in nature. There's a gorgeous historical home close to where I live in Queens, and you can tour the house and go for a lovely walk in the gardens. I'd love to go on a stroll there with my boyfriend if he isn't working and then hit up the movie theater. I love movies, and I love the experience of going to the theater. 

    And then, of course, because I love food and I live in New York where there are so many delicious food places, we'd go for a bite to eat at some new exciting restaurant we haven't tried before. Then we'd probably meet up with some friends in K-Town and hang out. Afterward, I'd go home and hang out with my cat Udon.

    Angelina Li Food & Beverage Coordinator in Crafty NYC
    Angelina Li Cat Crafty New York
    Angelina Li Work-Life Balance Crafty New York

    Now for the lightning round!


    What is the last TV show you watched?
    Beef. It was so good. I watched it twice. I’m also currently watching Love Island UK.

    What is the last book you read?
    Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

    What is the last song you listened to?
    Stereotype by STAYC

    What is the emoji that best encompasses your vibe?


    Who is a famous person you’d like to hang out with?
    Ayo Edebri


    Who was your first celebrity crush?
    Logan Lerman. I was obsessed with the Percy Jackson books as a kid and he starred in the movies. 


    Crafty would like to extend a huge thank you to Angelina for generously sharing her time and insights with us and allowing us to write about her. Thank you so much for all you do for Crafty. We are endlessly grateful to have you on our team. 

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