The Ultimate Guide to Creating an Office Kitchen & Pantry Your Employees Love

There's a good chance your office kitchen is missing a key ingredient. And no, we're not talking about Sriracha. After years of helping the world's leading companies create the snacking suites of their dreams, we’re sharing the secret sauce to separate boring break rooms from bustling eating spaces.Get to know the 4 pillars of building and managing an office kitchen and pantry space that excites employees to return to office. Plus a free interactive checklist!

The Kitchen Guide and Check List

See What’s Inside

4 steps for rating and upgrading your office kitchen and pantry like a pro

Level Up Your Layout

How to design a layout that makes preparing and enjoying food easy as well as those Steve Jobs-approved' creative collisions' possible

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Assess Product Variety

Why diverse snacking options matter—and how you can leverage them to satisfy your sustainability, D.E.I., and wellness goals

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Evaluate Your Equipment

Which equipment can help you make mealtime safer and more efficient while satisfying the diverse needs of your team

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Set The Vibe

How creating a space with #GoodVibes can improve productivity and help employees see the office as a destination instead of an obligation

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And hey, if you are out of Sriracha, we've also included tips for optimizing inventory management too. 



Explore the five practices leading workplaces use to build sustainable office pantry programs. 


Crafting sustainable office pantry report


Elevate your office food and beverage program with enhanced services managed in one innovative, centralized platform.