Snack Boxes: A Lifeline for Busy Parents

    Snack Boxes_ A Lifeline for Busy Parents-1

    Working remotely is a challenge in itself, but working at home with your kids… it's like joining corporate Survivor

    On top of getting a wave of emails and Slack messages, you're bombarded with requests (demands) for everything under the sun. They need the channel changed, they have to go to the bathroom, they have a question, they want you to sit with them, and so on. Plus, you can't go without mentioning the non-stop noise of toys smashing, feet rumbling, or just indiscriminate noise. You love them, you really do, but it is not the ideal environment for your productivity. 

    However, there is one thing that can get you a moment of peace and quiet that your kids will gladly do without a tantrum. One thing that will keep them occupied so you can actually get a little work done. What is it, you ask? Snacks.

    Kids LOVE snacks. Not all of them love a standard meal, but every kid on this earth loves a snack. According to a recent study, over 96% of kids consume more than two snacks a day. Let's dig into kids' snacking habits and how an employee snack box program can save parents' sanity and their wallets.

    Snack Box Solutions_ Kid Snack Trends 2023

    Snacking Habits

    If you think your kid eats too many snacks, you are not alone. You are all just doing your best; this is a safe space. We highly recommend adding a chocolate bar to your snack box for yourself in case of emergencies. 

    Since the 1950s, kid's snacking habits have increased exponentially. Snacking is as much of a meal as breakfast, lunch, or dinner in America. We all live for our own "snackcuterie" board, and kids are no different. Here's a quick breakdown of some recent snacking statistics:  

    • Snacking Time of Day: 
      • 82% of kids have a morning snack 
      • 84% consume an afternoon snack
    • Snacking Locations: 
      • 90% have snacks at school 
      • 77% also have one at home. 

    In short, kids are snacking anytime, anywhere. Having a variety of individually packaged snacks is key to success, so you can drop them in a lunchbox, pull them out of a backpack, or simply toss them across the room and hope they will retreat to their activity so you can get some work done.

    Employee Snack Boxes Enter The Chat

    Between coming up with creative snack ideas, shopping for items, and preparing snacks multiple times a day, parents spend a lot of time and energy dealing with snacks for the kids. Over the course of a week, it quickly lowers your employees' productivity and concentration when trying to juggle it all. 

    Anything that makes life easier for working parents is an attractive benefit for a company to offer. Crafty's snack boxes are more than just chips or granola bars; it's a tool that helps workers achieve better work/life balance. 🥳

    No more struggling to come up with snack ideas for your kid each day when you have an array of items ranging from Rip Van Wafels Snickerdoodles to Wonderful Salt and Pepper Pistachios inside your Crafty In A Box, Crafty's snack box service! 

    Employees can curate their boxes to match their dietary preferences while meeting their cravings. Mix up your box with fun alternatives that are a twist on the classics, like gluten-free IQ Bars, nut-free selections like Cooper Street Granola Cookie Bakes, and vegan GoMacro protein bars.

    Cost Savings

    Now that we've unpacked our kids' snacking habits and given ourselves more grace, let's talk numbers. According to a recent study, Americans spend an average of $500/month on snacks. 😳

    We asked one of our employees what snacks her 3-year-old son has in a day, and here's the cost breakdown:

    • Bag of Cheez-Its: $0.41
    • Banana: $0.89
    • Cup of Cheerios: $0.35
    • String Cheese: $0.41
    • Pouch of Non-Dairy Yogurt: $1.52
    • Daily Total: $3.58/day 

    Now, $3.58/day doesn't sound too bad, right? Let's do a bit more math. That's around $25/week, $108/month, and $1,306/year – just on snacks for their kid. That, combined with our numbers around daily food costs for employees, can get pretty staggering. 

    An employee snack box program not only gives parents a little bit of peace but it saves money. At Crafty, we provide our employees with $35 monthly credit, up to $420/year. This helps offset some of those costs outlined above, allowing our employees to spend that money elsewhere, whether that's on experiences, toys, or maybe (just maybe) something just for themselves. 

    Snack Box Solutions_ Box Ideas for Kids


    An office snack box program can be the answer working parents seek. Snacks by themselves are always a great tool in the distraction toolkit, but combining them with a box can take it to new heights.  

    Have you met a kid who didn't love a box? You can buy them the most expensive toy in the world, but somehow, it's the box they gravitate toward. A box can moonlight as a spaceship, car, helmet, home, etc. It can also be the base for various craft projects, be a safe haven for toys, and be a nice bench in a moment of need. 

    Add in the snack element, and you'll unlock a new level of parent productivity. Make yourself a cup of coffee and finish your work while your kid munches on their favorite snack. Who would have thought one medium-sized box could be the answer? 

    Snack Box Solutions_ Healthy Office Snacks For Kids

    Get Kids To Try New Things

    Have you ever tried getting a child to eat some veggies? Good luck! It's a fight 👏 every 👏 single 👏 time. It's no secret that kids are picky. Once they find something they like, they stick to it, and it’s a challenge to introduce anything new to the lineup. The beauty of Crafty is our extensive catalog of innovative products that incorporate healthy ingredients into kid-friendly staples.

    If They Like This... Try This...
    Cheese Crackers Every Body Eat Snack Thins, Cheese-Less
    Chips Bare Snacks Fuji & Reds Organic Apple Chips
    Cookies Cooper Street Granola Cookie Bakes, Blueberry Pomegranate
    Gummies Solely Fruit Jerky, Pineapple with Coconut
    Cheese Puffs Chasin' Dreams Farm - Crunchy Ancient Grain Puffs, Cheddar


    Crafty Kid Favorites 

    As a food and beverage company, it's 100% mandatory that Crafty Kids be obsessed with snacks, too. So naturally, we polled our team to find out what their kids are loving these days: 

    Employee Snack Boxes Kid Favorites RipVan Wafels

    Rip Van Wafels
    in Snickerdoodle

    Employee Snack Boxes Kid Favorites GimMe Seaweed

    gimMe Snacks Organic Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Sea Salt

    Employee Snack Boxes Kid Favorites Think Jerky Turkey

    Think Jerky
    Original Turkey Stick

    Employee Snack Boxes Kid Favorites Garden Veggie Straws

    Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Straws, Sea Salt (Original)

    Not going to lie, we were shocked by the variety of these picks. See, snack boxes get kids to push the boundaries of their taste buds and try new things. Crafty kids are eating seaweed, and yours can too. 


    No matter how your team works, each Crafty snack box can be individually tailored for each employee and delivered directly to their door. Parents can skip treacherous, impromptu trips to the store and buy themselves a few moments of productivity. 

    Let's help our working parents out while giving their kids something to look forward to. Snack boxes may not be the answer to everything, but at least they can buy you a few precious minutes to jump on a call, wrap up a project, or grab a snack for yourself.  

    Written by

    Rebecca Ross

    Crafty makes office food service easy
    Crafty Red Dash


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