Meet Joe Carrino, Bay Area ServiceTechnician

    Who did Crafty call when we wanted to establish a service team for all the top-of-the-line water and coffee machines we set up and maintain in client spaces? Joe Carrino. Joe, Crafty's first service technician, has twenty-two years of experience working with coffee machines. We sat down with him to find out what drew him to Crafty, what life is like on the service team, and how randomly taking a job out of need over two decades ago helped him become the coffee expert he is today.  

    Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, and what did you do prior to joining Crafty?

    I'm a service technician in the Bay Area. I was born and raised in Stockton, California. In '92, I moved here with my girlfriend, who is now my wife of 32 years. 

    I aspired to be an electrician, but the industry kind of crashed then, and I just needed a job. It turned out to be a great experience. I got to see parts of my state that I never would have seen. I discovered that there is a science behind coffee. It's more than just pouring it into your cup and drinking itthat really intrigued me. 

    What initially attracted you to Crafty?

    I had never been involved in a startup, so I thought it would probably be exciting to get in right at the beginning, going through the growing pains and successes. It's been pretty exciting to be a part of it. 

    Can you describe in detail your role at Crafty?  

    We install equipment in new client spaces and maintain it. We go in and service them when certain things go wrong with them, whether it be water systems or coffee. Sometimes, we'll have to take a machine out and give them a loaner or bring it back to the bench. I call them patients, so I see it as putting the patients on the table. 

    What do you love most about your job?  

    I love tinkering with things and learning about machines. Even though we've had some for quite a long time, I'm still learning about them. I've never seen this one happen before. I've developed good relationships with some of our equipment vendors, especially De Jong, Duke, Bunn, and Bevi.

    I love what I do. It keeps me thinking. I guess that also helps me stay young. 

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    What is the most unique thing about working at Crafty? 

    They try to make it fun and innovative for their employees and come up with new concepts, new positions, new jobs, and new ways of doing food and beverage.

    I guess that's the benefit of working for a company with young owners: they're always thinking outside the box.

    What's it like working with your son at Crafty?

    We ride in the work together. We ride home together. Actually, it's brought us closer. We talk about life, what his goals are for the future. We get to have those times together and it's been great. 

    How has your past experience in previous jobs or previous companies helped you in your current role today?

    I was Crafty's very first service tech  in the Bay Area. And [the experience] was…raw. Here it is. It's yours. Build it. My experience with other companies helped me develop our service department.  We got another service tech two years ago who I was able to  pass on a lot of knowledge to. I've taught him things he's never seen before.  I would have never thought I'd be some sort of leader at a company, but I here I am.

    How do your leadership skills and love of coffee overlap in your role?

    I'm a coffee nerd. Knowing the intricate parts of the coffee industry and the product itself makes it easy for me to educate our clients about what coffee I think would be best for them. 

    What snacks and beverages do you absolutely need to get through the day? 

    Well, coffee, of course. 

    What is your favorite TV show?

    Currently, it’s Star Wars: The Acolyte.  

    Who is a famous person you would most want to hang out with? 

    Keanu Reeves.  

    Crafty would like to extend a huge thank you to Joe for generously sharing his time and insights with us and allowing us to interview him. Thank you so much for all you do for Crafty. We are endlessly grateful to have you on our team.


    We are hard-working, passionate and resourceful trailblazers who breathe life into the workplace and have a good time along the way.